Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New Look for Lindsay Lohan today

New Look for Lindsay Lohan today. We all wish that obnoxious Lindsay Lohan to disappear, but we do not mean it literally. Lindsay Lohan with her career in tatters and her personal life train wreck literally disappear before our eyes. With prominent bones, the skinny toothpick legs and she looks like a survivor of the concentration camps. It's a good thing she does not wear panties, and it's flesh until fall to her ankles. Come to think of it even if it were a normal weight, it will be her panties down to her ankles in most of the time anyway.  

It's fun and perfectly legitimate to make fun of Lohan's reckless and selfish, but we wish all of that will put some meat on her bones. I hope the next boyfriend or girlfriend will be a chef or fancy with the food fetish. The Lindsay Lohan framework fragile source of concern for some time now, however pictures of the actress shopping in Los Angeles this week, it seems to have been taken from the scary skinny term a whole new level. Dress low cut bra, flashing in the year with a 22 year old a little skin and a lot of bones. Lindsay, the friendly name of Allah, and get your career and the failure of your relationship was broken by gorging on a few huge great.  

Twitter is perfect for self obsessed megalomaniacs.Twitter enables illiterate fools to send continuous updates to their friends virtual and real for every aspect of their daily lives. It is not surprising that Lindsay Lohan is a big fan of Twitter. Here is a parody of my session Twitter Lindsay just woke up, it's like I can not name a member of da dude in my bed.

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